New Subaru STi is much closer to its roots than the previous generation. Actually, it follows everything first generation followed. Design is an important part of new STi and it separates…

9 Speed Automatic Transmission
Will the higher number of gears bring us advancements? Not by itself, however, transmissions with higher number of gears allow us to drive at low RPM at all speeds. For example,…

Volkswagen will conquer the world
VW wants to be the biggest car manufacturer in the world and their plan is to conquer fast growing Asian and Chinese market with cheap and compact models. However, besides VW…

Nissan Juke – Still original
This car is great because it’s so different from other cars, and still it’s one of the most comfortable city cars. It is high of the ground which makes driving easier…

Lane Assist- who’s got the best system?
There is no other system which is discussed more than lane assist system. We tried five of them and here are the results. Audi A6 Active Lane Assist Their system activates…

5 Tips to Avoid Major Car Expenses
If you want your engine to last longer and to work right in everyday life, you need to make sure that all of these fluids are always at least above minimum.…

BMW i8
Futuristic sport car is finally in front of us, and just as we assumed, it is going to be reserved for the ones with deeper pockets because only model in portfolio…

Bentley is entering 2015 24 hour race at Nurburgring
Endurance races are hell for teams, drivers and of course cars which have to be on top level when it comes to mechanics and all other components of a car. On…

SSC Tuatara serial production planned for 2015
SSC or Shelby Super Cars is not really a famous brand around world but they developed some interesting cars. One of them is Ultimate Aero TT which was the fastest car…

Volvo Drive E
All car companies are developing new technologies and engines which will lower fuel consumption and CO2 emissions, in this article we’ll talk about Volvo’s new Drive E engines. Their amazing new…