Last year has been an interesting year in the car industry, to say at least, however, 2015 is looking even more promising and we are going to see some amazing rides coming off production lines. Here are 11 cars we think are the best and which will definitely stand out most in the traffic.

Europe Implements eCall On All Cars After 2018
Tens of thousands of people die in traffic related deaths in Europe, while over million suffer some kind of injury. Car accidents are also leading cause of death for young people aging from 15 to 29 years old. These numbers definitely mean that something needs to be done and European Commission is developing a system which would automatically call in emergency services in case of an accident.

Are Electric Cars Eco Friendly, Or Not?
There is no doubt that we are doing massive damage to our fragile planet just with our cars, and alternative solutions are being developed, bud did you know that none of them actually produce better results than gasoline?

Autonomous Cars – Bleak Future For Petrolheads
In the last couple of months we could hear more and more stories regarding autonomous cars, and judging by the advancements in technologies regarding such systems, autonomous cars are not far away from production.

Essential Tips For Driving On Snow And Ice
Winter has actually hit everybody strong this year and that resulted in chaos on the roads everywhere. If you live in any of those places where winter causes numerous difficulties, you need to know how to adjust your driving to lower your risks for accident, and therefore for any serious injury.

How To Protect Your Car From Thieves
War between car companies and thieves has been raging on for many years, and even though less and less cars are stolen as years pass, advanced technology enables thieves to steal certain cars without much effort – certain Range Rovers are especially vulnerable.

Volvo’s Most Advanced Safety Systems
In one of our previous articles we talked about Volvo’s newest architecture which is going to eliminate fatalities in their vehicles completely after 2020. In this article we are going to focus on Volvo safety systems, from which some are supposed to prevent collision while others are supposed to improve safety in case of an impact.

Jaguar’s Smart Idea Eliminates Blind Spots
As we can all witness most of modern cars have thick pillars whether it’s because of structural strength or design appeal itself, but in certain situations they might cause you to have an accident. Most of us live in cities where traffic is barely tolerable and that’s where these kind of situations mostly occur. It is called Jaguar 360 Virtual Urban Windscreen and it enables the driver to have a clear 360° view.

No Deaths In Volvo Cars After 2020
Volvo has always been a synonym for safety and they’ve pretty much built safe cars as long as most of us can remember. In the recent years they took their safety concern to the next level with innovative safety systems and different approach to car building.

No More Flats – Product For Armored Tires
Most of the modern cars don’t even have the spare wheel, but rather a tire repair kit which is supposed to get you to the nearest tire shop. Since this is only a temporary solution, it is not really something you can rely on.